We all know that it is against the law for children to consume alcoholic beverages because it can be extremely harmful to their health. But what about beverages that contain a high amount of caffeine?
Currently, Monster Beverage Corp. is at the center of government-filed lawsuits stemming from allegations that the company markets its energy drinks to children, who could potentially be harmed by the drinks.
Last year, it was reported that a 14-year-old girl died as a result of cardiac arrest after consuming two Monster drinks over a 24-hour period. The death resulted in claims that the caffeine level in the drinks is unsuitable for adolescent consumption.
Monster has denied the claims, saying that their beverages are safe for minors. Additionally, Monster hired a team of doctors who determined that the 14-year-old girl died as a result of her preexisting heart condition and not from caffeine consumption.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has also maintained that there is no direct evidence that the teen died as a result of caffeine consumption.
Even so, the dose of caffeine in a Monster drink is much higher than what is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). The AAP recommends a caffeine limit for minors of 100 mg per day, while the Monster drinks contain on average 240 mg, according to health experts.
The 14-year-old who died last year reportedly consumed two Monster drinks within a 24-hour period, which is like consuming about 14 cans of Coca Cola.
If it turns out that the Monster beverages are being marketed to children and they do have a harmful effect on adolescent consumers, Monster could potentially face liability in products liability lawsuits.